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Sunday, March 23, 2014

Belajar Tenses Bahasa Inggris Praktis (Past Continuous Tense)

Past continuous tense digunakan untuk menyatakan peristiwa-peristiwa atau perbuatan masa lampau yang berlangsung selama beberapa waktu, yang batas waktunya secara pasti tidak diketahui atau dianggap tidak penting untuk mengetahuinya. Dengan demikian waktu mulai maupun berakhirnya peristiwa atau perbuatan tersebut tidak pasti.

Bentuk Verbal Positif :

We   + Were + Verb 1-ing + Object/Adverb
You  + Were + Verb 1-ing + Object/Adverb
They + Were + Verb 1-ing + Object/Adverb

I       +  Was + Verb 1-ing + Object/Adverb
He   + Was + Verb 1-ing + Object/Adverb
She + Was + Verb 1-ing + Object/Adverb
it      + Was + Verb 1-ing + Object/Adverb
Contoh :
I was walking down the street when it began to dry.
It was raining this morning.

Bentuk Verbal Negatif :

We   + Were not + Verb 1-ing + Object/Adverb
You  + Were not + Verb 1-ing + Object/Adverb
They + Were not + Verb 1-ing + Object/Adverb

I       +  Was not + Verb 1-ing + Object/Adverb
He   + Was not + Verb 1-ing + Object/Adverb
She + Was not + Verb 1-ing + Object/Adverb
it      + Was not + Verb 1-ing + Object/Adverb

Contoh :
They were not .running until there steady to begin.
At six o’clock last night, I was not studying.

Past continous tense juga digunakan untuk menyatakan dua peristiwa yang terjadi secara berurutan di masa lampau, dimana peristiwa pertama sedang berlangsung ketika peristiwa kedua terjadi. Peristiwa pertama dinyatakan dalam bentuk Past Continuous Tense, sedangkan peristiwa kedua dinyatakan dalam bentuk Simple Past Tense. Untuk tujuan ini dipakai kata keterangan when, as, while yang berarti “ketika”. Dimana when bisa digunakan untuk Past Continuous Tense maupun Simple Past Tense, sedangkan as dan while hanya bisa digunakan dengan Past Continuous Tense.

Contoh :
Hary was leaving in his bedroom as her father called from out room.
They were not playing a tennis while it was raining.

Didapat dari berbagai sumber….

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